
How to Shorten Your Recruitment Process with Time to Hire?

Getting to know the key metric Time to Hire

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How long time do your candidates spend in the recruitment process? Since recruitment processes most often contain several different steps, the process easily becomes very long. That is why your recruitment process needs Time to Hire. I will tell you why!

From data gathered by different companies that measure the candidate experience, it is clear that when the recruitment process is too long a negative candidate experience is created. Since companies should focus on creating a positive candidate experience in order to enforce a high Candidate Net Promoter Score (CNPS), it is important to focus on shortening the recruitment process.

This article will explain the key metric Time to Hire, which is a useful metric to evaluate your recruitment process to create a good candidate experience. While getting to know more about why it is important to shorten the recruitment process you will get our best tips on how to go about shortening your recruitment process and creating a positive candidate experience.

If you are unfamiliar with the subject Candidate Experience, read more about it here!

What Is Time to Hire and Why Does It Affect Your Recruitment Process?

Time to Hire is the number of days from the first contact with a candidate to an accepted offer and is a very useful key metric to measure the duration of your recruitment process.

But why is this key metric so important? The Time to Hire key metric is important to ensure that you do not lose candidates to your competitors because of a long recruitment process. Since it gives you the ability to keep track of the length of your recruitment process it also serve you the opportunity to shorten the process, if it is too long, and create a positive candidate experience. Source: LinkedIn Talent Solutions

How to Shorten the Recruitment Process?


4 Tips on How to Shorten the Recruitment Process

1. Automize Parts in the Recruitment Process

Look over the recruitment process to see if there are any parts that can be automated. By automating parts of the recruitment process they can be done quicker and recruiters’ work can be focused on the other parts of the process, which increases the efficiency of the process as a whole.

2. Use a Recruitment Tool

To use a recruitment tool is another tip that can help to make the recruitment process more efficient by making it easier to move candidates between different steps in the process. Using all the tools available to make these administrative functions easier to manage contributes to an ongoing process less dependent on recruiters to pay too much attention to the administrative parts and more to the candidate.

3. Have a Clear Recruitment Process

Providing recruiters with a clear process where everybody is informed of what should be done in each step. In that way, you can create a more standardized process which makes it is easier to avoid misunderstandings or too much variation depending on which recruiter that a candidate gets in contact with.

4. Develop Clear Guidelines

By developing clear guidelines of who in the organization that owns and is responsible for the different steps, everybody can work with their parts and avoid spending time doing the same work several times.

Time to Hire Can Shorten Your Recruitment Process

As recruitment processes have a tendency to become too long, which often creates a negative candidate experience, organizations that manage to shorten the process is one step ahead towards increasing the number of positive candidate experiences.

Using the key metric, Time to Hire, and working with our 4 best tips: your organization can manage to shorten the recruitment process and creating a positive candidate experience.

  • Automize parts in the process
  • Use a recruitment tool
  • Have a clear recruitment process
  • Develop clear guidelines

Interested in learning more about key metrics? Download our white paper with 8 useful key metrics, their impact and how to calculate them..

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